2 Feb 2007

God's Madcap (by Nancy E Robbins - biography of Amy Camichael)

'God's Madcap' is an autobiography of Amy Carmichael, written for children, by Nancy E Robbins. It's a short book - under 100 pages - containing a brief outline of Amy Carmichael's life and ministry in India in the early part of the 20th century.

It opens with Amy's huge family having a birthday party which was thrown for her in her old age. Then the book takes us back to her childhood in Northern Ireland. She was in a fairly well-off family, but always interested in those less fortunate than herself.

The book describes her first experiments in prayer. Amy started to wonder whether God existed or not, and the book then charts her gradual growth and calling.

There are a few author asides here and there that would probably seem very 'preachy' to today's children. But it's an interesting story albeit slightly stilted here and there.

Not currently in print, but often available second-hand.

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